On Oct. 24, El Estoque will be hosting a contest to give away nine free movie tickets to the early showing of “Lincoln” playing at Cupertino Square AMC 16 on Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. The contest is open to all current MV students who follow the three simple steps below.
The contest has officially begun!
Thank you to everyone who submitted responses –– the contest has now ended. Congratulations to all the winners:
“If Lincoln were alive for the 2012 election…”
Barak Gila: He would feel vindicated by seeing a black president but be appalled by his debating skills!
Archit Dua: He would be ecstatic to learn that his party is promoting women! #bindersfullofwomen
Tiffany Nguyen: he would have a longer beard
Sean Lee: He would start a Civil War between the 1% and the 99%.
Pooja Desai: he WOULD invest in horses and bayonets
Faris Karaborni: Cry over the issues that drive our nation apart.
Rohan Yelsangikar: he would be annoyed at the fact there are less horses and bayonets in the world.
Yeji Oh: he would win the election.
Stephanie Chang: I personally would be very interested in which candidate he would vote for. Would Lincoln vote for Mitt Romney, a fellow Republican, or vote for Barack Obama? Surely he would be proud that his efforts to abolish slavery has come a long way — with the current president of the United States being half black! Of course, either reasons for voting for the respective candidate would be quite superficial… EITHER WAY I LOVE YOU LINCOLN CUZ YOU HATE SLAVERY LIKE ME YAYAYA
Please remember to pick up your tickets on Oct. 25 in A111 during tutorial.
This article was updated at 8:56 p.m. on Oct. 24 with the winners of the contest. At 9:08 p.m., the winners’ comments were added.