Students attend several club meetings throughout the school year — service clubs, cooking clubs, language clubs, environmental clubs — but rarely do they experience two of those types of clubs together at once.
MVONE — Monta Vista Organization of Nature and Environment — is centered around environmental action, but also provides multiple activities related to public service. ONE clubs were created in 2008 by Ashley Ro, a University of California, Berkeley alumna, who wanted to create more environmental awareness.
“We wanted to expand [the ONE clubs] to MVHS because we wanted to spread the idea about environmental sustainability and helping the community in multiple ways,” sophomore MVONE President Christy Paek said.

According to Paek, the objective of the club is to inform students about environmental sustainability as well as about how they can help their community in visible ways. Students have the opportunity to volunteer at homeless shelters, to help those who are less fortunate and to also plant trees to raise awareness about taking environmental action. Two aspects — community service and environmental awareness — are often separated into their own respective clubs but MVONE has fused together those two ideas to create one club with one unified goal.
“I think from our aspect, we wanted to basically give back to the community overall rather than just the environmental part of it,” sophomore MVONE Secretary Alyssa Hada said. “ It would also open up more volunteer work that we could do.”
The main objective of MVONE is to bridge the gap between regular volunteer clubs and environmental awareness, and the officers plan to teach the members about their surroundings as well as enjoy their time helping the community.
“We hope for the members and officers to learn how to help the environment, not just by saying I’m going to take a shorter shower,” sophomore MVONE vice president Sara Hsi said. “We can do more.”