Although she is very slim, Nutrition Club president junior Ellen Tang was not always happy with the way she looked.
“When I was in middle school, I was always self-conscious of myself,” she said. “I really didn’t want to eat. I would just skip out on lunch and [meals], and my friends would notice.”
Tang eventually realized how unhealthy she was and conquered her eating troubles with support from her friends. Today, she hopes to teach others how to make better food choices through Nutrition Club. Her co-president, junior Camille Gremillion, is equally enthusiastic.
“I think [Nutrition Club] can help people [reach] their health goals,” Gremillion said, “[Whether] they want to lose or gain weight, or just know more about what they are eating.”
Although they did not have much of an audience, the officers carried on with the meeting as if the whole room was filled. They gave a brief but descriptive overview of carbohydrates and taught members how to calculate the glycemic index of common foods like apples and bread.
Their Powerpoint presentation only lasted ten minutes, but it was enough to impress freshman Gina Wang, who observed the meeting after reading a promotional post on School Loop.
“I just want to learn more,” she said. “I think [coming to these meetings] will be helpful for me and my health.”
Nutrition Club is currently on probationary status and its future seems uncertain. But students should give the club a chance, because unlike whole grains, its teachings are both healthy and easy to digest.
Nutrition Club meets every other Tuesday in Ms. Koch’s room, D102. Their next meeting is Nov. 22.