Faraday, who was nominated for the scholarship by literature teacher Mikki McMillion and history teacher Vivianna Montoya-Hernandez, has been an active member of the girls water polo team for three years and has been involved with the theatre department all four years of high school, acting in MVSNL twice and in the currently-showing “Pride and Prejudice.” Since seventh grade, she has also been a youth leader at her church and for one summer helped senior citizens study for their citizenship tests in Mandarin and English at the Santa Clara Catholic Charities—all while maintaining a 3.8 GPA and battling family and financial troubles.
“[The scholarship] definitely means I’m going to college and makes the reality for me a lot better,” Faraday said. “I feel a lot more secure and it means a lot.”
Along with the $3000 scholarship, Faraday received a Sharks jersey and tickets to attend a home game of the Oakland Raiders, San Francisco 49ers, Golden State Warriors, Oakland Athletics, San Francisco Giants, and the San Jose Sharks, where she will be recognized in a ceremony along with the five other recipients for her achievements.