Milo moves out of the house
The month of April has been crazy for the Lau family. My mom is in the middle of selling our house, my older sister moved out into her own house and Milo moved out with her.
My mom and I saw this coming, but we did not think it would be this quick. The original plan was for Milo to move in with my sister after she has settled down in her new place, but because my house is in the middle of remodeling and selling, Milo could not stay anymore. He would be too bothered by everyone coming in and out of the house.

He has been gone for a week and my mom and I already miss him. He is not there to greet us at the door, beg us to feed him and let him out to pee. As much as we disliked his bossiness (he barked at us until we played with him), we actually miss his constant barking.
Even his toys, beds and food are gone. Nothing of him remains in the house. It was hard to imagine what life is like without Milo, but now I know. It’s quite dull. It really takes the absence of someone you love to realize how much they meant in your life. For now, my mom and I can still visit Milo and my sister.
Although he does not live here anymore, he’s still our dog and family—and he’s really only 12 minutes away.