Each designer brought their imagination and ideas to the table at the 7th annual Fashion Show on April 28. Every year, Fashion Club sponsors the Fashion Show with its proceeds going directly to the club. This year, they sold about 60 tickets. The preparation for the show started that Saturday at 10 am, however the preparation the club members’ took to create their clothing took all semester.
According to President of Fashion Club senior Danielle Chandler, the club members needed to take many sewing lessons and participate in many meetings to assure the shows success.
“I loved viewing the designers work and listening to what their inspirations were,” junior Audrey Wendschlag said.
The runway went straight through the student center, with chairs laid out around the platform for the audience. Once the show started, the doors closed, the lights dimmed and the spotlights were turned on.The show was ready to begin.
This year, there were thirteen designers, freshmen Samantha Sheih and Megan Chandler, sophomores Nancy Chang and Kathleen Chang, juniors Navya Cherukuru, Kathryn Lindsay, Jessica Chen, Sagaree Jain, Sherry Roohi and Erin Dowd, and seniors Amy Kahng, Katerina Zorko and club president Danielle Chandler.
The designers were able to showcase their designs by dressing their student models with their clothing. Some of the designers even made clothing out of recyclable materials including rubber gloves, trash bags and Kool-Aid drink pouches.
“It was a great way for people to express their creative sides through clothing; they all did a great job,” Wendschlag said.
This was the last Fashion Show for Danielle Chandler, who will be majoring in fashion design.
“All the designers and models were on top of things,” she said. “Everyone did their part and helped each other out and there were no malfunctions on the runway.”
Correction at 8:36 p.m. on April 30: Megan Chandler is a freshman.