Classes host tie-dying events in preparation for Winter Rally
Dividing the four classes into two teams is one of the several changes made to the upcoming winter rally. The sophomores are paired with the juniors and the seniors with the freshmen. Both groups are holding tie-dye events for their teams to tie-dye shirts and other apparel in their respective team colors in preparation for the purple vs. gold rally on Jan. 22.

The idea for the event came from last year’s Highlighter Bonanza, organized by the 2012 class officers, for the back-lit Winter Rally. Like last year, t-shirts are available for purchase. V-neck and crewneck t-shirts will cost $3, but tie-dying is free. The bonanza will take place on Jan. 19-21 in front of F-building during lunch.
The 2013 and 2010 team is also holding a similar tie-dye event during lunch in the Rally Court on the same dates with the same prices. The team will also have tie-dying available during tutorial on Jan. 21.