New iPrism internet system unblocks sites for teachers, comes with a new login system for students
It’s finally here. Youtube and Twitter are officially unblocked—but not for students.
New security measures have been placed on the school’s wireless system. With work mainly done by the FUHSD Internet Technician Staff, students logging onto the Internet must now bypass an additional login checkpoint.
Students must type "mvhs" followed by their student ID, as well as the password that they usually use to log in to school computers.
According to Computer Support Technician Sal Murillo, there have been problems with students leaving computers logged in allowing other students to abuse the accounts to violate school internet policy.
The new measure is coupled with the already existing account security feature that automatically logs students out after 60 minutes.
The most anticipated change includes open and refined internet filters for teachers.

Due to new features on iPrism, the security system now allows teacher access to different sites than students, rather than a blanket ban for everyone. Social networking sites such as Facebook are still blocked but other sites that could potentially have more education value like YouTube have been opened up.
"To me, YouTube is simply a wonderful resource," media assistant and librarian MaryAnn Bouchard said. "While YouTube can be abused viewing unnecessary videos, teacher-only access enables classrooms to reach into its breath of educational value."
These filtering changes are only applicable when using a network cable and not while connecting wirelessly, a feature expected to develop in the next few years, according to FUHSD Coordinator of Network Operations Scott Harrington. However, the double login system applies to both wireless and cable connections.
Even though the filtering has changed, the "mvhs" login method has been in place for years and has established itself as the standard for teachers who want to log into school servers during and outside of school.
The most impacted involves students with laptops. A rush of students who don’t use the older library desktops have recently come into the library to request passwords they have long forgotten.
"The process of getting a new password with librarian Jody Mitchell is quick and simple, taking only a couple of minutes or so during brunch or lunch. The new login system shouldn’t drastically hinder laptop users," Bouchard said.
Although the security retrofits did not cost any additional money, the new server provides further security to finally use Measure B funds to expand wireless connection and servers, giving the school better Internet that runs at faster accelerated rates.