Prop 8, move over. It's Obama time.
Some historic moments aren't obvious until 50 years afterward. Those are usually the ones historians pick out of a sea of similar moments, arbitrarily choosing a symbolic turning point to represent a wave of public opinion.But some moments are so important that they are recognizable at first sight.I think I have witnessed two such moments. The first was on 9-11 when, as a little girl, I went upstairs in a suddenly quiet townhouse to watch airplanes destroy two buildings I had once visited.The second happened today, November 4, 2008. I'm going to write down how I feel so that, 50 years from now when some kid asks me what it was like to see President Obama elected, I'll have an answer.The election of 2008 has been a very long time coming, and now that it's finally arrived I'm still reeling from the possibilities. It was right before the Democratic National Convention that I realized that no matter the outcome, the nominee would be epic. From the feverish contest between Obama and Clinton followed the feverish contest between Obama and McCain. And then Palin was nominated.These past few months have all been a build up to today. It was pretty funny when I came out from piano class to learn that the results had already been determined. At the moment when the fates of nations are decided, I had been playing Czerny. Badly.What a rude awakening to learn the results from the local radio station and realize that my election day was over before it began! But also what a pleasant shock to find out Obama had done it!In the last eight years I have often felt alienated from my government (at least, in the years I knew what alienate meant). Nobody I knew or watched in the news seemed to be satisfied with the U.S., the military. Since I have been politically aware, I have never looked up to my leaders, or potential leaders (such as Kerry).Obama is such a radical change, not to be cliche. Gone are the empty appeals (well, mostly). For once, a candidate seems to be an expert rather than a crowd-pleaser.I look forward to watching the news now, simply because I won't cringe at what I hear.This moment is amazing because it is paradigm-shifting on so many levels. The Democrats have swept the nation, anti-war fever is burning, the economy is at a recession, and political involvement has soared. The outlook is bleak, but it is also hopeful.And yes, more than 40 years after the Civil Rights movement we have elected the first black President of the United States. Time will tell whether Obama really is the next Kennedy, or even a good president. He has yet to support his lofty words with actions.But for now, it is enough that it was Obama, that the election process is not entirely corrupt, that sometimes the good guys win, and that I can help save the world.